June 2 is national give your girlfriend 5 pictures of yourself
If you were to use it in a sentence to say it to your boyfriend you would say “hey babe it’s June 2 believed to be national give your girlfriend 5 pictures of yourself day!!”
Go somewhere with ur bsfs
Me: Hey girls it’s June 4
them: what?
Me: …
them: ohhh go somewhere with ur bsfs day
me: yeaaaa
them: let’s go then
National send your Bf a pic of your tits/ass day
Bob: happy June 4th
Tom: thanks! My girlfriend sent me a pic of her tits
June 10th is international pipe your friends day you must pipe at least 5 friends or you are fucking gay
Ash: “yo it’s my birthday” John: “yeah it’s June 10th so i gotta pipe you or I’m gay”
National your sister isnt your sister i fucked your mom when i was 7 so give me 5 dollars or ill send your dad a dna test.
Or national Y.SI.Y.S.I.F.Y.M. day
Jack: "Hey bro do u know what today is?"
Josh:" no"
Jack:"is june 10th"
Jack:"is national Y.S.I.Y.S.I.F.Y.M day"