The main reason kleenex is still in business!! He prefers 3 ply. Kevin is a true believer in mind reading and owns lanes 38 to 11. Does not drive raymond trucks because he only wears a crown. Will not second guess a call to the the ministry of labour. Kevin has also pulled more pallets than another reach driver. He's a strong believer that a missing check digit is a health and safety issue!!
Kevin Aldred is a spitting image of caillou!!
Kevin-Baconing (verb): When you're stressed, mad or frustrated and all you can do is go to an empty warehouse (or whatever space is accessible to you at the time) and dance around—typically in a flailing manner—using machinery and other objects as gymnastics equipment to express your deepest emotions. Upon Kevin-Baconing, you feel like a weight has been lifted. You find that you are no longer the ghost of Kevin Bacon (aka Ren McCormack). Instead, you are yourself again... but way better.
Hey so I have to cancel plans tonight. Work was a real bitch. I'll be in my garage Kevin-Baconing until I feel better. Hit you up after.
Shamefully exhausting all 6 wordle guesses resulting in failure to complete the daily puzzle.
Shit! I didn't solve Wordle today and pulled a Kevin.
A saying that signifies absolute disbelief
Well Stick My dick in a Pickle Jar and call it Kevin, that's crazy.
That guy that hangs around on a “teen” chatroom but the mfr is like 22 years old. Whole ass king of the kids situation.
Girl: did you see Johnny in here?
Girl 2: yes oml he be suffering from Kevin syndrome
Girl: YESS!! It’s creepy af
"Why use big word when small word easy" - kevin
Kevin Talk
Person1: can you just hunt down the original part.
kevin: Yes, me do
Person1: hey kevin what were you saying earlier about that paperwork.
Kevin: me do now.