When you go to moon someone and there is shit on your ass
OH NO was mooning someone and it turned into a Bad Moon
A guy that has feelings for a minor and will do anything to get in her pants
Exp: jacob moon and peyton harp are in love
When you get an erection after someone mooned in front of you.
Me: I woke up with the weirdest boner.
You: You just experienced mooning wood.
The money you spend from your moon bag / profits from an investment that has mooned.
Just bought a new Tesla with moon money from my dogecoin bag. LFG!!!
a person who is kind and sweet but also crazy called BlackBull
oh look the BB moon is here again
An elf with typical Asian features of black hair and brown eyes rather than the stereotypical blonde hair and blue eyes that regular elves have.
Have you played monster hunter rising yet? It has twin moon elf priestess.
In other words, "Bring it all in"
When there is a full out. Full moon and empty legs.