A way to shy and flirtatious girl who would confess to you by the end of the series
Snay San confessed to me last night
San Roberto is a public school in Monterrey Mexico were kids there barely get any education
San Roberto is a “smart environment”
an asshole to society. all he does is squeeze your legs and slap your ass
ralph san Gabriel is so cute! but hes gay
ateez san's gf is a beautiful (a bit stupid :D) girl from india named victoria kay. san loves her very much and they've been dating for a few months now.
ah victoria kay! yes that's ateez san girlfriend!
When your drinking buddy removes his glass eye and drops it in your cocktail, exposing his juicy eye socket. You slam the cocktail, whip out your dick and fuck the socket.
I was doing shots with my bros when I got up to use the bathroom. Came back to the table and homies eye was in my glass. I pounded the shot, mounted his face like a rabid chihuahua and gave him a San Francisco Telescope.
A reference to a dominate personality, usually used to describe an Asian Male. Charcteristically making fun of anime as a concept, with the whitest name possible added to uru San.
“That dude is definitely a Jackuru San.”
“Yeah he’s a total weeb”
Sans glyph is usually a t shirt with no drawing but there is a Rwandan slang of sans glyph used to call or to mean someone with no nyash or with unshaped nyash
Ntukajye wigira ingoswi witeza ziriya sans glyph