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Swear Words

Words people use when they are not smart enough to think of anything better; why kids aren't as intelligent these days

Person 1: @#%$! Person 2: Stop the Swear Words!

by Someone who is Me May 3, 2018

27๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

origins of words

If this dictionary is anything to go by, the whole concept of slang, and even the english language originated in 1980's LA.

the homophobic connotation of the word "gay", every weapon made after world war two, world war two itself, television, comedy and gangs all origianated in Los Angeles in the eighties if you are to believe some of the definitions here.

by Kung-Fu Jesus May 27, 2004

5๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Secret Word

*Secret word*, *Secret wording* or *Secret worded*.
The first meaning of these words was based on the word Jizz but made for open use so the true meaning was to stay hidden from public use such as... Parents, friends or just about anyone that would say Lolz or Gay at you for the use of what the word was on.

But later became a word for more then what it was first was used for. Now it is also used to describe moments of intense joy, excitement or pleasure for the eyes ect. With the same strong meaning.

Person 1 "Did you see that insane shit in that video I sent you?"

Person 2 "Yeah man! I *secret worded* as soon as I saw it."

Person 1 "I was *secret wording* all through that video."

by Co1dfire October 3, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

spoken word

Poetry that you read out loud. Usually carries a political message.

Hey, I'm going to the cafe tonite to hear some phat spoken word artists.

by mariamarie November 7, 2003

42๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

e word

e word is just another way to say enlistment, many of us are sensitive to the topic of our faves enlisting and also we try to never bring up the topic unless relevant or brought up by our faves.

e word is such a better way to say enlistment because well thereโ€™s a lot of words that start with e, so what does it matter, but it also tones down the sensitivity to the topic of enlisting.

โ€œomg i canโ€™t believe theyโ€™re gonna e word soonโ€

โ€œplease donโ€™t remind me, i just want to treasure this moment without thinking of thatโ€

โ€œoh yea....sorryโ€

by vuulmates February 24, 2020

10๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

my word

my meaning

meaning my word

by for me January 29, 2014

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muffin words

Another way of saying "cuss words"

Eww, stop saying muffin words!

by Chuck Norris: Science Teacher November 19, 2006

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