when a rich white town, like Westwood MA, (see Westwood High School) pretends nothing bad ever happens within its borders, so they blatantly ignore the issues that run rampant within it (like internalized racism, antisemitism, sexism, classism, etc.) Often can lead to misunderstanding the complex socioeconomic issues that control the lives of most of the world, leading people to become either dangerously naive or dangerously bigotted. A wonderful example of the modern mindset, especially in New England.
Don't mind Brendan. He grew up inside the Westwood Bubble. I think this is his first time seeing someone get arrested.
Penetrate the bubble instant airhead
You are such a fuck bubble ... You don't get it. You don't understand are you a airhead.
To blow raspberries into a girls wet vagina
If you don't give your girl a 'fishy bubble bath' your an absolute joke
when someone doesn't have anything to say yet still talks
"She was so boring to talk to, all she did was blow bubbles the whole time."
When you "rustle someones jimmies".
Frank had sexual intercourse with Robs sister. Robs bubbles were boiled.
A single individual so disconnected from what's occurring around them that they are perpetually attempting to control things and appear as though they've come out on top, even though they're pretty much mentally incompetent.
"This group chat has a gigantic diamond/bubbles and it's really pissing the actual authority off."
A person who lives so comfortably in an echo chamber that they become fragile when confronted with any opinions outside of it.
Coddled to the point of being ready to explode.
Your friend Griper can't handle being spoken to like an adult because she's bubble-wrapped. Her friends treat her with kid gloves, because if they don't she'll pop off at them.