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Sus is used as an abbreviated form of the word suspicious. Sus is typically used in a (dead) video game called “Among Us”. Sus is used when describing something or someone as suspicious.

Chad 1: I think I saw you steal something!
Chad 2: I would never do that.
Chad 1: Your pretty sus

by kwirbie June 12, 2021


twitter talk for sis but with more attitude

lmao sus you dead wrong

by yallnikkas make my ass itch January 29, 2019


A suspicious person

Blue: red is sus

by Thor the cat January 30, 2022


If you see a kid name Lorenzo... yeah he sus

SUS BUS with the bois

by Yourmomlol December 19, 2019


a word you use when red is following you in among us

yo red is pretty sus

by September 16, 2020


homosexual slang for “fuck me in the ass

Hey bro want to play some Minecraft

by furryfrisk September 25, 2021


Another word for "suspicious" commonly used in Among Us

Weird or inappropriate

Call someone suspicious

Not gonna lie, but he kinda sus

by EEA A OFIUIOW December 15, 2022