When a character in a novel, comic/manga/magazine, television show, movie, video, etc. who is able to break all four of the previous walls moves off, through, or out of the story, screen, frame, etc. and appears in reality among the audience. The same would also work if the situation was vise versa
(While watching a Deadpool movie, Deadpool stops fighting and proceeds to walk off of the screen, and approaches behind you, Breaking the'Fifth Wall' of reality) "Hey kid, this guys getting to be a real annoyance, how about we make our thoughts touch tips real quick and see if there's a better way to beat him. Know what I mean? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, twidle in your widdle." (After sharing ideas and theories you two come up with plans and he then walks away and reappears on screen looking at the camera) "Better work kid, I have to be back at grannies with an early White Christmas party or she'll kill me." (Deadpool proceeds to look back get out from behind cover and test the plan)
*Deadpool in this instance is Breaking the 'Fifth Wall' by Disappearing from the story and reappearing by the audience, yourself, and interacted with you in person in order to share thoughts and ideas to formulate a strategy, before going back in and utilizing said strategy.*
Something the Donald will build to keep the mexicans out
"It's not gonna be a small wall. It's gonna be yuge, tremendous and the mexicans will pay for it! It's gonna be a tremendous wall"
1. A wall made of stone.
2. A not commonly known videogame character archetype that sacrifices offensive power for more defenses. In co-op based games, this character archetype will usually be the tank if not the mighty glacier directing hits and tanking them. Their damage output doesn't always have to be subpar but it could be limited by other factors such as range or mobility. (In short, he can't kill you but you can't kill him)
Example one:
Person 1: "Oh wow a stone wall!"
Person 2: "Yep It's made of stone"
Example Two
Person 1: *Throwing all of his attacks to kill the stone wall*
Stone Wall: "HAHA you'll never kill me I'm invincible !"
Person 1: "Well yes, but you don't have anything to fight back"
Stone Wall: "Oh"
A backstabbing bitch that only cares for herself and no one else. She says she loves you and cares about you but doesn't really
She is such an Annie walls
• Southern slang / exaggeration on an expected or unexpected EXTREME poo which is so extreme that the walls could fall victim.
• So much poo that the walls are covered
I’m about to shit the walls after eatin’ Marlene’s left overs
1. Verb. When someone takes a crap and it stinks up the whole bathroom.
2. Verb. If someone in a public restroom shit everywhere except for the toilet.
1. Someone just shit the wall in the bathroom so don’t go in there for another 30 or so minutes.
2. I really had to go but I couldn’t because someone shit the wall.
A narcissistic partner in a relationship who takes care of a naïve person who doesn’t know better
He’s such a wet dry wall dating a girl who’s never been in a relationship