The argument had by all nerds cough* cough*matpat
Master chief Vs doom guy is impossible
But hey that's just a theory a game theory
Uh oh, I guess I'm in hell now. I guess I have to just do whatever Jordan Peterson says, huh guys?
Hym " 'Divorced from their masters' is an interesting way to put it Jordan. Because it implies the we have masters, that the bureaucracy is there to keep us away from the MASTERS that we supposedly have, AND rather than just not having masters you want to prop up an intermediary so people can FEEL like they are connected... To THE MASTERS that they have... But would they ACTUALLY BE CONNECTED? No. Probably not. THIS IS WHY YOU NEED THE HAMMER-CLOWNS! You piss and moan about hammer clowns but with out me, where are you? DIVORCED FROM THE MASTERS DR. JORDAN PETERSON ACKNOWLEDGES YOU ACTUALLY HAVE. You have masters. That's a thing that Jordan Peterson casually acknowledged. Right there in that video. That's a thing."
Someone who can easily handle reaper gumballs.
Su is not a level 10 spice master
The gayest group of men you’ve ever met. Until the clothes come off. Then suddenly everyone goes back to being hetero. Very strange
You ever been to muffler masters? So weird
Now it may sound crazy.. but this is typically how you call friends when they act like a superior or something. You can also use it when you refer to an annoying edgy friend.
She's such a master of boogers.
Often a supremely experienced and competent man functioning similar to a power broker within a larger organization. "Power Broker" in this context , and viewed pyramidally is someone who manages valued information and/or resources for personal and/or political gain through the entire length of the system.
I like working with <relatable name> because they're a veritable pyramid master.