Me:Hey, where's your dad?
You: Oh, The raging drunk got arrested again.
Me:Fair enough.
Corage:Cooperative rage!
Co-rage is...
1. Courage when you forget about the U and think of the whole group.
2. When someone in a group of two or more is extremely ecstatic to preform in a group effort.
3. When a group of people are on the same level of excitement and feel fearless.
Projecting a intimidating presence that can crush an opposing force's spirit.
group of boys: aw, man!
young jimmy: this sucks
Tony: *just arriving* hey, what I miss?
Jimmy: some ass throw are only soccer ball in to the yard with that crazy dog. no more soccer I guess.
Tony: hmm... alright I'll get It! someone help me over the fence.
Jimmy: You crazy?
tony: No, Im going to play soccer with a few bite mark.
*just before going in to action*
-Soldier 1:looks like everyone is ready.
-Soldier 2:Here comes Co-rage Ranger Thompson.
-Thompson: Hmm... what a gloomy bunch. Hey!, You goofy mother fuckers, let get this shit done right! OOH-RAH!!"
-Soldier 1: RAHHHHH!!
-Soldier 2: RAAHHHH!!
When engaging in sexual intercourse, one of the members inserts a tomato forcefully into his/her partners anus. Thus the partner will look up at them in fury and surprise, thus creating a facial expression that visually looks like a tomato.
Man she gave me a raging tomato last night.
oh man that sucks.
The violent thoughts and feelings you get when a Parent pulls the covers off of you in the morning hoping to wake you up. Most commonly used by Mothers on school days.
Billy - Dude my Mom gave me the worst case of Blanket Rage today. I almost got up and head butted her in the fucking teeth.
John - Bro! My older brother is in Prison for murdering our Mother cause of Blanket Rage!
when a girl / lad is on her monthly flow period and always f*** angry at every single breathing or not breathing atom in our atmosphere
AssHole 1 : Look at Jayl she look sad lets make her happy
AssHole 2 : If i were you i will not shes on Red Dot Rage
Asshole 1 : Oh.... okay ! i dont wanna die early
Show rage is the feeling of anger you have when watching or participating in a reality TV show.
I couldn't contain my show rage while watching big brother. Gordon Ramsey needs to control his show rage when dealing with his contestants.
A Youtuber who’s main appeal is the way that they get angry at the video games they play.
I love Poofesure! He’s my favorite rage-tuber.