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The big stupid

Jack Paul and Logan Paul

Jack Paul has the big stupid

by dying is gay February 18, 2021


When a group of people share beliefs contrary to the viewpoints of the majority and still belief they are right.

Donald Trump supports are the same kind of stupid.

by Renee Rashawn January 29, 2018

Stupid arrogant

Okay what is a stupid arrogant?

Basically, a stupid arrogant is someone he knows that he is not knowledgeable about a particular topic but he is arrogant not wanting to ask those who are knowledgeable. He felt he was so smart and ingenious that he felt no need to ask those who knew. He thought that the action would bring down his dignity when it did not. We must always remember that if we do not ask for directions, then we will get lost on the road. A stupid arrogant will not succeed. Ask a lot to get a lot of knowledge. Indeed, people who ask a lot are successful people in life.

B is a stupid arrogant math student. Many people thought he was good at math but he failed the subject in the final exam.

by Cokooknut December 1, 2021

stupid pig

you stupid pig


by alola! July 3, 2023

Stupid Bait

Something, often a post on social media, which is clearly wrong or outrageous to attract more people and to make them interact with the post.

Baiter: "The sun isn't a star!"

Baited Person: "No, it is!"

Baiter: "Actually, a star is a star, and a sun is a sun!"

Person: "Dude, this is just Stupid Bait. I'm not falling for your trap."

by Brainless Maniac December 28, 2024

Stupid Score

A Male or Female that uses sexual interest or over zealous power to try and look or be better then other people.

Also See Whore Bitch Cunt

Did you just see that Stupid Score that dumb cunt tried showing her belly button ring to get free drinks.

by JSands July 22, 2011

How stupid can you be?

When you are mad at someone for game ending you fair and square in fortnite and decide to report him for stream sniping.

*A random fortnite streamer was eliminated from the game*
The random fortnite Streamer: Watch for the emo watch for the emo

NFL Skin: *Dances for one second*
The random fortnite Streamer: *Reports the NFL skin for stream sniping* What an idiot. How stupid can you be?

by Adam's Speget December 11, 2018