Sus meaning you are being suspicious or being weird
HEy johnny wanna kiss me, "Nah That SUS"
A impostor who is being investigated by quick witted crewmates
Red: Yo Cyan kinda sus
Cyan: Actually red sus
Pink: Red sus
the word guys use to say gay
written by: a girl ♥
for example | yoo, that was hella sus bro
The boyz are a boy band full of closeted members or uneducated kids. They use this term sus to tell members that they’re acting too gay and they need to be undercover straights otherwise the band can’t make their lyrics that change lives like “Sheesh” or “Dababy is funny snowflake”. Cries* These words too inspiring man.
“Jack has a rainbow sticker that’s sus mate”
its 2023 and little boys still tryna make everything sound sus
Dead Meme
"-we had to play with balls in P.E-"
balls is used as 'sus' in that instance
Sus is used as an abbreviated form of the word suspicious. Sus is typically used in a (dead) video game called “Among Us”. Sus is used when describing something or someone as suspicious.
Chad 1: I think I saw you steal something!
Chad 2: I would never do that.
Chad 1: Your pretty sus