“Beat the Hell Out of MEE6 Day” is a day celebrated on July the 19th every month by bullying the discord bot “MEE6.”
Since today was Beat the Hell Out of MEE6 Day, my friends and I took the day off so we could bully MEE6.
1. A phrase used against people who search up stupid stuff like: How to get a girlfriend?
It can be used as a peaceful substitute for Imma beat the shit out of you
Son: *searches how to get a girlfriend*
Dad: imma milk the hell out of you, son!
2023 LAR18 Black Mermaid Scuddlebutt horrible rap
This song is so bad I want to astral project my self out of my body to screech and release my pain & suffering, truly this is 'when the nightmares of hell becomes song', PURE CRINGE.
On January 10, we will all tell someone to shut the hell up
‘ yo ‘
‘ yeah? ‘
‘ shut the hell up ‘
‘ why? ‘
‘ because its national shut the hell up day ‘
Steve Wilkos' catchphrase on his own show - The Steve Wilkos show.
Also an exclamation of disbelief.
Dick: Yo, Kenny, I fucked your bitch in the bathroom last night while you was asleep, dog.
Kenny: Get the hell off my stage with that bullshit.
An expression used to describe anything that is very, very slow. (since a line of people waiting to get out of Hell would logically not move at all!)
Cell phone call:
Guy: Hi, I'm going to be a bit late.
Girl: Why?
Guy: I'm at the grocery store and this line is slower than the line out of hell!
Girl: Well, get here when you can!
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To say yes in a crazy person way. Just substitute mother fucker.
When saying you must either be drunk or stoned.
Hey man after this drank wanna hit up the bar down da street?
Hells yea mo facka.......I'm drunk....or stoned....WOOHOOO.....ok guys where's my pants.
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