Weed that is low quality, also known as reggie. Sold in Maumee, Ohio.
Man, I was smoking some Maumee Weed last night, it was so terrible.
Weed that falls onto your tray when your loading a bowl or weed that is found when cleaning out the grinder and can be put back into the grinder to smoke later.
Let me clean out my grinder, I may have later-weed.
When you shave your pubes and they are such a big forest that the razor (weed wacker) gets caught in your pubes and you have no other choice but to tear it off the crotch.
Becky, last night I had a pube weed wacker happen to me and now my crotch hurts!
The scraping from the bottom of your box when you are all out of weed.
I'm down to the mesquite weed.
Steph's weed is really good marijuana that you have received from a friend, of which you do not know the strain.
Guy: "Yooooo this is really good weed, what strain is it?"
Me: "It's Steph's weed."
Guy: "What strain though?"
Me: "I don't know, it's Steph's weed."
Fast burning, bad quality marijuana.
“Man this shit is some tumble weed.”