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National short haired womens day

August 8th is the day celebrating the god given gift that is short haired women

Dude1: Man did you know that tomorrow is National short haired womens day?

Dude2: Hell yeah!

by blungoid June 17, 2023


Comfortable lounging type clothing. Often confused with PJs, but suitable to wear to Walmart or other public places.

I'm tired of all these people dissing the Walmart customers showing up in their PJs. Those aren't PJs those are Day-Jays.

by duBois-et-Fer March 19, 2020

Missy Mae Day

This is that girl that randomly hits you up somehow some way and it's that last day of who you are and a new day of who your going to be but treat her right and don't stop showing her that attention cuz she will get it somewhere else you gotta always keep it fresh cuz she's the one that'll ride you like a porn star and have dinner ready every night.

Her Beaus friend: Hey man, where'd you meet her?
Her Beau: Oh yeah I didn't tell you huh, she hit me up on my email saying she was a Missy Mae day bro and she needed my help so I went and picked her up.

Her Beaus Friend: She's a missy may day? Dang bro your lucky those are hard to come by.

by 123Combo January 28, 2024

national chug day

on april 15, chug everything you drink today till it’s empty

on national chug day drink the whole bottle or cup of every bev u have.
bottoms up.

by Wjjsje April 11, 2019

National Kiss Your Significant Other Day

A special day marked on the calendar as june 1st-10th. This day should be celebrated year round but is marked as a few specific days.

National Kiss Your Significant Other Day is defined by the love that couples share for each other and how summer can relieve stress and finally allow for some personal time with your boo thing.
P1: Did you know it’s Nation Kiss Your Significant Other Day.
P2: Omg I didn’t know that I need to go and kiss him right now.
Go kiss them, we all know it’s summer so you have time.

by helios0519 May 26, 2023

Streak/rat day

Streak day is the day you can do anything like eat rats and me a rat

Streak/rat day means

Be a rat

by Hfbrendb October 18, 2019

brooke and burger day

its a day on 17th of april

its brooke and burger day
oh lets go

by Bvrger April 20, 2021