borderline dick syndrome is when a guy drives you dick crazy. and all he does is ask for nudes
girl #1: omg brady keeps asking me for nudes
girl #2: omg he's giving you borderline dick syndrome stop texing him
girl #1: I can't he's just so cute😍
Dick. Penis. Cock. Meat rod. Male reproductive organ. PP. Knob. Shaft. Wang. Peter. Ding dong. Pisser. The holy sword.
Bryan: Cock and dick
Kaleb: Me too
Western Pennsylvania slang for "Beat Up" dick that looks like Chipped Ham.
Yo, did you see that Smore (Slutty man whore) Tommy's Chipped Dick, it's beat to hell and back!
When you cut a hole in a box and shove your wing wong ching chong in it
Wow that freak ezio just put a dick in a box
Midas dick in fortnite, no shit. Im not fuggin around
Midas dick will go in my ass.
Sound made by the male penis after ejaculating multiple times in a row - no sperm left.
Last night was crazy, I had sex so many times that my last time ended with a dick hiss
The act of a loser spraying with a pistol on Call Of Duty 1.
*Get sprayed by some loser using a pistol on Call Of Duty 1*
- "Man, that guy is a pistol dick!"