Your cat sits on your french fries making them ass fries. You then give them to your failure of a husband who gleefully eats the ass fries.
Tails just sat on the fries and they are now "ass fries"
A dumbass who thinks it's okay to do drugs, get STDs, and shoot (literally or metaphorically) other people in the face. He doesn't nesscessarily have to be in a fraternity, he just has to show stereotypical frat boy douche bag qualities.
21 Jump Street is funny and all, but let's face it. It's basically a frat ass' wet dream.
When you want to express you love for older music (ie: The Beatles,The Rolling Stones)but doing so using black slang.
Yo man, Is dis tha beatles? Ah man! Dis shit be real cause we gon to Take it back on they asses.
To be not aware of what is going on around you; to be lazy and negligent to jobs and chores that need doing around you; to be stood or sat around doing nothing
The bus driver was sat there scratching his ass ass everyone was running late to work
(Scratching one's ass)
Anyone that has your consent can smack your ass for the month of October.
“Yoo it’s October, it’s spooky season and slap ass month.”
This is a Holliday that original in france and Africa thats why all black people celebrate this mouth and the mouth is march the whole fucking mounth so that thick bitch at yo school she batter not be trippin on my kids
Black kid :"slapp👋👋"
The deain: "ok since its slap ass months"