One who seeks out fish to kill. With any weapon of choice. Most preferably with speargun so that the numbers of fish are greater. Also has a great love for the ocean and never takes more than they can give away or eat themselves.
A good Fish Reaper stones his fish with perfectly placed shots.
A fish (usually a bass) that is too small to be appreciated by anyone other than the individual who caught it.
Did you see that tiny ass wynn fish that Todd posted on social media?
To stack items precariously, in an informal fashion.
Man 1: I put the pans away, dude!
Man 2: Stop playing Fish Jenga with me and put the pans away like a normal human!
When you go fishing and it is cracker.
Shu Justin come cracker fishing
Someone that eats Tyrones mothers fishy fanny on a weekly basis,
Tyrone after someone leaves his mothers bedroom - Hey bigman you are a real fish fellator still.
When one puckers their lips to make their face look similar to a fish.
Man, my fetish is when my girl goes all fish faced, and I get to pretend I'm screwing a fish.
Casting your line out, hoping to catch some fresh dick.
Three hours of pork fishing on grindr last night and I still didn't manage to catch a big one.