The extreme and absurd application of make-up or any cosmetic products.
Examples are routinely seen in the Hispanic gang culture amongst their women. Some are extreme and take that style to the grave. See "Chola" if there is a description for that.
Why in the hell do you have all that Clown-Dip on?
hannon the bozo clown loves dogs very much and runs over cats with her clown car runs a circus and hates babys
hannon the bozo clown
When a person sticks a small clown, living or not, in their genitalia as a form of sexual pleasure.
"hey did you hear what he did last night? he totally did a clown canon"
"wait seriously? i was wondering where my clown doll went!"
"dude you should burn that thing, he never cleans down there"
Stage clown is a gremlin bitch
Haha totally a top
Stage clown is a gremlin, shoot them
When someone is starting beef with someone else that is irrelevant.
Janessa: " Alexis got mad at me because we were wearing the same shirt at a party last night."
Danielle: "That's some clown beef."
Polymorphously Perverse guy jerking off beneath her feet.
David is a polymorfooter clown, he likes to jerk off to your feet on his face.
a phrase used to describe the look on someone's face after vomiting\crying from consuming too much alcohol
Dude logan has such a sad clown face, i think he drank too much
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