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dead beat dad

Someone who does not pay child support, hasn't had a steady paycheck in at least a year, has a hooker of a girlfriend who has slept with at least two of his best friends, still lives with mommy and daddy and parties with people way too young for him because he doesn't know what priorities or responsibilities of a father should be.

"Wow, people really are oblivious to the difference between a playmate and a responsible father, huh?"

"Yeah, they don't see he is such a dead beat dad!"

See also buddy, playmate.

Antonyms- the gorgeous single guy across from your office, who is financial stable, has a successful job and wants to take you AND your daughter out.

by JONNYBEGOOD7583 June 26, 2010

68๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pure dead brilliant

A phrase used in Scotland that means 'the best' or something along those lines.

1. Jock: 'Did yae see that new filum on sat'day?'
McDonold: 'aye, it was Pure dead brilliant!'

2.'Here, Jimmy, that bottle o' bucky was Pure dead brilliant

by Alex July 23, 2003

45๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

My Mom Is Dead

It is the most common comeback against a Yo Mama joke. Used in an emergency when one can't think of anything to say. Using it automatically results in Fail for being such a lulzkiller. Please note that this is NOT the ultimate comeback

Bob: Btw, can you get my wallet for me? I left it on your mom's dresser.
Drew: My mom is dead
Bob: That explains why she wasn't screaming so much

by Sundance Kid September 6, 2007

80๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dead Baby Jokes

Very offensive, but extremely funny jokes.

A couple Dead Baby Jokes

Q:How many dead babies does it take to paint a fence?

A:It depends on how hard u throw them.

Q:What's more disgusting that ten dead babies nailed to one tree?

A:One dead baby nailed to ten different trees.

by CottleZanze November 25, 2006

267๐Ÿ‘ 139๐Ÿ‘Ž

Drop Dead, Gorgeous

I love this band and you should love them too.

Danny (Stills)- Vox/Serenade
Aaron - Keys/Voice
Kyle - Guitar/Throat
Jake - Bass/Triangle
Danny (Cooper) - Drums
Dan - Guitar

listen to Drop Dead, Gorgeous

by music1. August 11, 2006

218๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž

dead baby joke

Occasionally brilliant pieces of wordplay featuring dead babies (if you couldn't figure that last bit out alone, kill yourself). Tasteless, but make a great icebreaker!

1: I've got a dead baby joke.
2: *groans in disgust and anticipation, as much sense as that shit makes*
1: What sound does a dead baby make in a blender?
2: Oh Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, not this shit again... what?
1: I don't know, I was too busy laughing.

by The God-Emperor April 12, 2008

160๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž

drop dead, gorgeous

one of the most sickbiscuit bands ever, like the orgasm of the music world

drop dead, gorgeous sounds so good i busted some bone sauce, then started moshing some more

by annonymus? is that how you spell that January 19, 2007

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