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Facebook effect

The Facebook Effect is to know instant in-depth social information about a person. The personal information that can be disclosed includes birthday, hometown, relationship status, siblings, mutual and all other friends, favorite music, movies, and books, home and cell phone numbers, past schools and job places, along with photos and videos.

Would it affect your interest in perusing a person based on if they had a facebook or not?
Is the "Facebook Effect" hindering or improving our chances with a more suitable mate?

by Sugarnuts3000 November 19, 2009

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facebook points

Having a shit ton of friends that you don't even know just to have it listed as X number of friends you have.

Dude she has a shit ton of friends, 1000+ facebook points.

by chenzillah December 4, 2009

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Facebook Blackout

The lack of realization that one has made an entry, usually embarassing,on a Facebook profile. Usually discovered the following day.

Allan: "I can't believe you took the Which Ghetto Booty Do You Have Quiz."

Wes: "I did? I can't remember. I totally had Facebook Blackout. I bet it was Badunkadunk."

by bajongy September 4, 2009

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facebook authorized

Company or farms where employee can open facebook and company's owner or boss allowed his emloyees to use facebook(sometimes) during working hours.

Hey dude i get job in facebook authorized company so i can keep in touch with my friend during my time also.

by chintancht July 14, 2011

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Facebook cancer

Someone who posts such bad/ridiculous things on facebook you, it litreally maes you feel like you got cancer!

Oh look at what he posted again! Miha Fink is such a facebook cancer!

by Dronzy January 15, 2015

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Butt Facebooking

Posting a status update to FB from your phone without knowing it.

My wife was walking around the mall, and she was Butt Facebooking status updates.

by Jawbonz February 20, 2010

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Facebook Evangelist

The Term facebook Evangelist is used to describe a Christian Person that uses Facebook for Evangelisim purposes to tell Everyone about God, The Holy Bible and about The Good News of Jesus Christ.
To Discuss The Bornagain Christian Faith, Church related topics via online chat, inbox messages, Wall posts, related videos and quoting Bible scripture.

Facebook Evangelist - I was chatting to a friend online and we began to discuss our beliefs and Faith in God.
I asked him/her to Invite Jesus Christ into their lives and Pray the Sinners prayer out loud.

Reference John 3:16

by Glorybyfire. PEVANS June 26, 2011

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