An adult website where users vote to 'kill' videos they do NOT like and 'save' the ones they enjoy. (
Man, there are some weird and messed up videos on Kill TV today.
What Peter Parker should have used on Mysterio
Wait a minute, who is peter
Karen-"Activating Instant Kill mode"
《¤》I 《¤》Promise《¤》You《¤》That《¤》I《¤》Am《¤》Going《¤》To《¤》Kill《¤》You《¤》
A play on “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”, but in response to the growing number of school shootings being blamed on first- and third-person shooters.
Coined by the Act Man, “guns don’t kill people, lag does”, shows the irony of the situation we’re in, Luddites meeting up and talking about Grand Theft Auto.
Occurring mainly in MMORPG's, Killscabbing is the act of waiting until another player has almost killed an enemy, then leaping in and finishing it off, thereby depriving the other player of experience points and or items.
On WoW as Wrather goes to kill a tough enemy, another, far weaker player suddenly rushes in and kills the creature, taking the experience points and items that rightfully belong to Wrather. In frustration, he proclaims on the general chat channel. "Oh you f**king kill scab!"
New York slang, Basically when a female is ugly with a bad body or ugly with a good body also known as butter face, bad kills basically means that would be a bad girl to fuck cuz she not attractive
Dude 1: yo bro this girl tryna fwm she bad asl gang
Dude 2: nigga what? That’s bad kills gang