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A Sarah Paul

A Sarah Paul is a person you pay to stand in the background and loudly agree with you when you are fighting with someone/berating them/telling them off.

Husband: who was that woman who kept going “ah ha” and “oh yeah” after everything you said when we argued last night?

Wife: I’m ashamed to tell you this but… she was a Sarah Paul.
Husband: why would you do that?

by Hypeman6790 April 27, 2024

Cody and Sarah

Couple goals literally the perfect couple.

Wow Cody and Sarah are a perfect match.

Yeah, there couple goals

by Cool guy 32 November 3, 2022

barber sarah

barber sarah is a fictional character in urban dictionary

written by sqa_p on youtube

get a barbar sarah mug for your barber sarah!

by sqa_p January 18, 2022

Sarah Pour

A generous tip of the bottle...generally related to little humans finally going to bed.

The kids were a mess today...I'm going to need a Sarah Pour tonight!!

by Deuce77!! November 27, 2024

Sarah pour

A wine glass pour that is significantly larger than a standard pour.

You had a rough day. You must need a “Sarah pour”.

by Scruffymcneat November 27, 2024

Sarah Stidham

She's a great person and has a big ass. Most people call her BBJ or Big Booty Judy. Widely known for being a great friend. She has a big dick that people don't know about. Her last name is known to be used as a name for a really hard boner.

Guy 1: How was last night at the club bro?
Guy 2: Not too great, all the bitches had me with a "sarah Stidham" all night!

by LayinWood January 17, 2012

Sarah Valentine

The world's most beautiful and amazing woman. Unofficially the 8th wonder of the world. Some say Toga and her would be the ideal couple.

Man I saw Sarah Valentine the other day and it was love at first sight!

by Togaaaa November 23, 2021