When you jam your erect cock in a door, and it turns black.
fuck man, why is it when i see my dad i get hard, looks like i will go back to my room, (shuts door on cock), holy fuck I just got a Devil's Pinch , now i got a BBC.
A man that stands more than 6 feet tall, makes more than 6 figures, and packs more than 6 inches
Girl, that guy is a devil's present.
When it’s kept aggressively cold indoors, by use of air conditioning, to overcompensate for the outside heat. The opposite of a regular sauna, where it is too hot inside but feels unbearably cold once you exit.
If it is 100 degrees and you are wondering whether you should have brought a light jacket to your work, school, etc., you have likely stumbled into a devil’s sauna.
My parents get upset if I touch the thermostat; they like to keep a devil’s sauna.
when you’re doing the devils tango while smoking the devils lettuce in the middle of a pentagram
hey, wanna go do the devils ritual?
Devil Dog (or Teufelshund)
The Germans (in WWII) called the US Marines Teufelshund (Devil Dog) because they had not encountered such voracity in War Fighters from the French or English before the US entered the war. It was a designation of respect of the Marine's willingness to attack and kick ass. US Marines are called "Devil Dog" to this day to honor the past.
When two black males have sex with a white girl. One puts it in her butt and the other in the front. Then they double high five after they cum.
Someone who actively opposes or fights against negative or harmful forces, ideas, or behaviors, with the goal of promoting positive change or preventing harm.
Sexist idiot: I don't think women should have the right to vote.
Chad devil's adversary: you are stupid and I hate you.