"BuT wE dIdN't KnOw It At ThE tImE!" ~ Piers Morgan
Hym "Yes we did you fat bitch! Yes we ducking did! And the conservative news-media was on it THE WHOLE TIME! They were shouting it from the rooftops and were condemned and attacked for doing so and ONCE THEY WERE PROVEN CORRECT... The libtards just tucked their heads and walked away as though it never happened. Like a child that threw a baseball through someone's window. We absolutely DID know that Covid only killed older people. We knew the lockdowns were ineffective. We watched as our politicians ignored their own prescriptions. Absolute shill behavior Piers. Pathetic."
A day in which everyone is encouraged to find their local furry or furries, and then kill them. Participants can trade in furskins to their nearby Walmart, in which they will obtain more firearms and ammunition based on the rarity. This day takes place on April 15
Dan: Hey man what do you want to get for Kill A Furry Day?
George: I want at least an Mk-19 this year, last years haul was pretty dry.
The catchphrase of Automatons, used in their military march and throughout fan-made content.
Automaton: Heart. Steel. We. Kill.
Helldiver: stfu u stupid clanker u wot m8
An older version of the tag Killed by:
You were killed by: Donna Jones
Snape Killing, also known as Snaping or snaped- Killing someone to deceive your dark overlord into thinking you are their ultimate agent.
Snape killing was the downfall of Voldemort
A rework & sustainable clothing bizz based around the idea that fashion DO BE KILLIN THO
Hey did you know that fashion kills, want to buy this My Little Pony rework hoodie?
When a newly (re)spawned player or entity kills or destroys another newly (re)spawned player or entity. This is very rare.
Spawn Kill
Kill Spawn
Reverse Spawn Kill
You would not believe what just happened! I just spawned and was walking out into the fray when someone else spawned right in front of me with a rocket launcher and blasted me to bits! Spawn-to-spawn kills can be insane.