The friend zoned dudes giant cock
Yeah I really want your mothers #
An exclamation when something does not go as planned and you become noticeably disappointed.
*drops pot of chili on the office floor*
It means that something looks bad. Or if you wear something that's totally ugly and your mom thinks you look "handsome" or "pretty".
"Hey, guys does my outfit look good?"
"Only in your mother's eyes."
"Oh my god, I just drew the best Shrek!"
"Pfft, only in your mother's eyes."
the hottest women to ever grace my existence
dude 1: look its hapuns mother
dude 2: *dies*
A person or people who secretly would like to be a moth/moths, so they dress up in costumes and hold secret ceremonies, where they act like moths and do oth like things. Moth as in the insect not as in a creature who gives birth and nutures their young.
Mother/Mothers is Pronounced Moth-er/Moth-ers, Mahther/Mathers.
another way of saying you are on your cycle/period/menstruating
I can't have sex with you tonight....i'm on my vacation sponsored by mother nature.
Oh look at that salty mother fucker, oh yeah you mean Pricey aka alphagolf90