memes are in-side jokes, except it's shared among the entire world.
*on an online game*
Player 1 (USA): Do u know da wae?
Player 2 (Australia): Ah. I see you are a man of culture as well.
Player 3 (UK): nice memes my dudes
An image most the time with text somewhere on said image that will make your mom think you’re friends with Dwight from The Office
Son: mom look at this meme
Mom: do you know these people
Son: no
Mom: then how’d you get a picture of them
Son: just forget it
The best thing god has created.
Memes are the best thing ever.
Memes are the only true art forms
Jim: have you seen the modern art museum
Jack: that’s manky look at memes
1.Have you see the latest meme
2. Your life is a meme
3. Memes are art forms of expression
Memes are a funny/not funny thing, people use it to make others laugh/cringe. you can also make a meme with an app or photoshop. The recent meme now is Flat Earthers Its a meme about taking a object (exp. banana,a round object) and then they make them flat
1st guy: Memes are cool 2nd: Memes are funny! LOL
A picture or video that expresses comedic or large feelings toward some thing
the reasons depressions and suicide rates went down. also cure to depression and suicidal thoughts
me and my friend watch "memes" all day everyday/ i think we have a problem.