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bust attack

what weaboos say when an anime girl’s bra is too small and it pops flying into someone’s face

weaboo 1: damn bro did you see that bust attack kokana had her boobs were THICC
weaboo 2: HELL YEA BRO

by fallingintofandomsoof December 30, 2020

bust me some

To give someone something. londoner slang

Person 1: *opens a bag of Doritos*
Person 2: yo bust me some Doritos still

by Pekskdkekmsksla March 1, 2022

Egg Busted

When you fit more than 50 raw natural eggs in a woman’s, she will get busted ! Anything more than that will cause a boom.

your babe just got egg busted by me last night!

by Noragami October 8, 2021

busted ass mork

Probably the highest level of achievement. Most people strive for this level of greatness.

Fuck yeah I'm a busted ass Mork!

by CoolmanBBS September 19, 2017

ghost busted

the female version of cock blocking

Kimberly was about to get some but then Gina ghost busted her.

by calzonealicious March 7, 2009