Being able to move your tongue twice as fast as normal people with just as much control
Wow you have double tongue u should play an instrument
Watching two LGBTQ+ movies back-to-back, a gay double feature
Lets watch a double fagture tonight! Birdcage then Rocketman or Rocketman then Birdcage?
When you begin to burp in a given frequency and unexpectedly a second burp begins nullifying the original one
- Remember the time you came up with the term double burp?
- boy…. …where you high that night
When a girl takes two loads of cum inside her vagina. It makes the vagina look like a creampie doughnut.
I hope that girl we met at the bar last night was on birth control cuz me and Vinno gave her a double creampie.
the result of getting anally fucked by cancer. this rare dsease is spread by phil swift. if you see phil and all he can seeis martians run your mother fucking ass off or youll get anally fucked.
also caused when someone that is close to you converts into a larry enticer.
"my dad got double cancer now because of phil swift."
Double broom: when someone with an ironic mustache goes down on someone with long pubes
When Chris started dating Marty with the big bush, he grew out his mustache so he could give her a double broom.