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Emma is a sweet girl on the inside and outside... she has been going trough alot of shit.. and she dosent always know its going to get better... but i promise Emma... its goina get better :p from one to another. We love ourself on the bottom of our heart so dont be afraid to shine <3

Girl: wow there is the Girl Emma, shes like so dumb and eww...
Emma: bitch what chu looking at because i am that shiny that you see yourself :P

*Emma walks away smiling feeling she has done something GREAT*

by Theemmsius October 10, 2019


Cute girl who everyone likes. She has long brownish hair with blue green eyes. She is kind sarcastic, and beautiful. Every guy she talks to falls in love with her.

Guy1- Dude she is smokin!!
Guy2-You haven't seen an Emma yet!!!!!

by Biggest bootie ever June 1, 2022


The worst poop you have ever had. Floats in the water and is black

Have you heard of the MeToo Movement?



by PlnktnsCumBckt December 11, 2021


Emmas are the sweetest people you'll ever meet. They're loyal and truthful. Sometimes they can be brutally truthful, but that's what makes them Unique. They're super forgiving though they'll never forget. So if you ever do Something Emma doesn't like she won't let you live it down.

A: "Emma is amazing I feel really bad about letting her go."
B: "Maybe you should talk to her."

by yall r Crazy February 28, 2022


A girl who is very pretty but you can lose easily. Savor the time you have with her. She is a good artist and very nice. She is sarcastic but very loving.

That Emma is really nice and funny.

by Webhead2070 April 1, 2022


Dick sniffer

Emma is a dick sniffer

by Chickenprn December 13, 2023


Gadenavn for MDMA

person 1: hva så, var du på date med emma i går?
person 2: helt sikkert man, min næse sve fandme meget efter 2. bane

by Oxler_Psycho December 21, 2019