A dude, who is a person who is guy, who is a man, who is a mister who likes to upload videos about the jinkis binkus flood
Guy2 :Woah its mr dude person
Guy 56: hes probably here to talk.to us about the jinkus crinkis flood
meaning, you're fucking dumb.
wow, you're falcon dude.
Multiple Dudes. A group of hairy moles growing on a donkey's dick.
"...Stop being such a colony dude."
(1) when one uses a preposterous amount of tubular language in small time conversation.
(2) when one demonstrates behavior uncanny of that one they call "The Dude".
(3) when the inevitable end to a situation is when others confer to call the phrase "Dude, it's over."
Dude bruh man this guy like took my ball dude bruh swiped it right outta my hands dude.
Hey man, I think you just over-duded it for the week.
That guy over there bowls real good.
Well, I'd say he's over-duding it bruh.
Hey dudes! It's going to be totally tubular when I get this mess right. I've only been working on it for twenty-two days dude!
It should have only taken a couple of days. Dude, it's over. You done dude it to hard.
By Jay from the Kubzscouts
-And tell a friend today that Jay from the Kubzscouts is THAT DUDE!!!
Adult Male who acts like a child, and posts to much on fb to get attention in hopes people will believe he's the greatest when he's absolutely not.
Allen's a little bitch dude for that fake post.
Euphamism for "homosexual beahvior". Intended to bring ridicule upon whoever it is said to.
Chris said he was leaving the party to file his taxes, so I said "Have fun doing dudes".