A definition of being done with someones bad energy and / or bad behaviour, to the point that you just immediately stop texting, you block and you roll on forward in your life.
I was so over his shady ass behaviour so i just stopped blocked and rolled.
If you need to leave then stop block and roll.
Make him squat with his feet on a pair of cinder blocks, then take your two strongest flicking fingers and just go "thunk-thwap-thunk- thwap" as hard as you can against anything dangly you might find.
Oh man! I heard that fraternity uses the cinder block treatment for initiation!
Yeah, that cinder block treatment scared my life.. and manhood!
A Cornell University student legend who is obsessed with block parties for some reason.
"How did you hear about the Cook Street block party today"?
"I saw one the 500 posts that Block Party Guy made about it since last night"
When you go to grab a woman’s boob or a private part and she blocks you suddenly with her elbow.
Why did you chicken wing block me? I was just trying to cop a feel.
when a new yorker is deadass tired of your shitty, racist, homophobic, ableist, elitist, landlord loving, daddys uber money, finance bro in a patagonia, main character wannabe instagram posts, so they bing bong block ya!
If you post an insta story about supporting the Cuomo brothers, you're getting bing bong blocked!
When you think of the most genius word or phrase ever, so genius that it can't possibly be already defined on urban dictionary. You hop on urban dictionary and excitedly put it in the search bar, when lo and behold, there's your word or phrase, definition and everything, already thought of by someone just a little more witty and clever than you.
Man, there's gotta be a term for that. It's like getting cock blocked. Heh. Dick blocked. HOLY SHIT, DUDE! URBAN DIC BLOCKED!
*looks it up real quick, reads the above entry*
This occurs when someone on your buddy list, who used to be a friend, was never deleted from the list. You mean to click the video chat icon next to your friend's name, but accidentally click the used-to-be friend's name. You immediately cancel the invitation and block the person, to prevent the incident from re-occurring.
Alexa: Shit! I just accidentally invited Kyle to a video chat and then canceled it immediately. Now I have to block him so that never happens again!
Jacob: Haha I just got the accidental videochat block from John. I havent talked to him in months and he invited me to a video chat, canceled a second later, and then blocked me.