An affliction that causes people to say things to people over the distance of an Internet connection that, if they ever DARED to say to a person in a face-to-face conversation, would likely result in them getting knocked on their ass and maybe a trip to the hospital, but behind the safety of their monitor where nobody can physically touch them, they can behave like complete and utter shitbirds with no consequences, because as we all know, the Internet isn't real, of course, and the person you're mouthing off to isn't a real human being, with emotions of their own.
It is closely related to the similar affliction that causes people to become total sociopaths when behind the wheel of a car, where they are similarly safe from physical retribution.
If the technology were invented tomorrow to make it possible to punch a person in the face over TCP/IP, Internet Badass Syndrome would vanish almost overnight, and the Internet would be the most civil, polite place ever.
The type of person who constantly, involuntarily, responds to messages one message behind everyone else - especially if the subject has already shifted.
Person A: Let’s go to the mall
Person B: Nah let’s go to the movies
Person A: Okay what movie should we see?
Person C: What should we get at the mall?
Person A: Oh great, the Internet Explorer Messenger (IEM) is here
The type of person who constantly, involuntarily, responds to messages one message behind everyone else - especially if the subject has already shifted.
Person A: Let’s go to the mall
Person B: Nah let’s go to the movies
Person A: Okay what movie should we see?
Person C: What should we get at the mall?
Person A: Oh great, the Internet Explorer Messenger (IEM) is here
pants that exist only in cyberspace.
Person 1: so I was having cybersex last night with hotchick69
Person 2: are you telling me you're so out of it that it means something to you that you got down hotchick69's internet pants? You know that online isn't real right?
When u talk shit on the internet but don’t wanna link and fight internet beefer right there
A phenomenon that occurs when two people meet online on an international web page and starts conversing in their own language.
Like when you read (for example) a comment written in your native language, and you reply in your native language.
Believe it or not, I met him through Internet Patriotism!