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Internet Karen

The mysterious butthurt person who got his/her panties in a wad and reported your comment online.

Internet Karen: OMG did you see what she said in her comment?!! I cant believe her!!

Other person: Just let it be. It most likely has nothing to do with you.

Internet Karen: Whatever I'm reporting her!

by Flower347joy May 3, 2022

Internet Karen

The online version of speaking to your manager. This karen prides herself on providing ugly Google reviews regardless of how much you kiss her ass. She wants the world to know how you overcharged her .15 for that hat she found on the clearance rack.

Man that Internet Karen left me a bad review because I didn't discount her phone repair.

by Parrothead5000 November 5, 2021

Chumming the internet

Intentionally eliciting emotional responses by either asking (ie:"What are your pet peeves?") or expressing a controversial opinion (ie:"
My heart goes out to all the victims in dear old Boston. MUSLIM=TERRORIST.") in order to find people to text with you.

He enjoys chumming the internet with his extreme opinions so he can practice arguing with people on-line.

by JoRokHed April 17, 2013

Internet Smart

An ignorant person who thinks they know the answer because they formed an option based on something they read on the internet. Thus making them ignorant.

James is book smart but has no common sense. But Jimmy is internet smart and has no common sense.

by DeathWish69 April 19, 2021

Internet all'Italiana

(Translated: Italian Internet)
when your internet connection slows down, in Italy it is known that it is one of the countries with the worst internet connection in the world.

-What the F*ck! My internet connection is like a Internet all'Italiana

-F*ck!! I can't play with this Internet all'Italiana

by Rose Lavillant March 18, 2020

nappytime internets

Getting (D)DoSed, sometimes from filesharing, sometimes as a punt for misbehavior on the internet. Typically can be proven by going to two or more sites on different networks (level3 and cogent, for example).

Amber: What's new in your world?
Mike: I found a cool torrent but no luck DLing, I've got nappytime internets"

by Mick Halo September 20, 2008

1👍 1👎

Internet Lust

When an individual becomes so compulsive to online media/pornographic material that they addictively become extremely obsessed with what they are pleasuring themselves to on the internet through their smart devices/black mirrors to the extent that they eventually start to loose all sense of reality from the outside world. Users who suffer from this new found type lust typically are people you would expect and people that you would never expect to an addict. This condition is usually chronic as It rewires the users minds to an extent that it may affect real life relationships. Usually a pornographic detox may help the ones who suffer from internet list.

Internet Lust is an undiagnosed condition that affects millions if not billions across the globe. Porn addiction is one of the many signs that you may suffer from Internet Lust.

Kevin is always finding pleasure through the internet because he has Internet Lust.

by Dr.Dennis January 6, 2025