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kamikaze shit

It's when you have a shit in the shower and you kick it so hard, it slides across the bath and lands on your head.

"Mate, last night when in the shower, I took a Kamikaze shit."

by TheBrucey October 14, 2017

Shit Back

Shit back is usually caused by a withdrawals by the users drug of choice.

Seth Hudnall has Shit Back that runs up the back from the ass crack to the back of the neck caked with hard layered shit.

by Seth J Hudnall October 3, 2021

Sog Shit

Dog shit that has been in the snow all winter. Once the snow melts, you are left with soggy dog poo that keeps it's original form, but is extremely unstable and messy.

Oh great, the snow has melted and now I have a yard full of Sog Shit. It's so hard to clean up.

Dude, watch out- Oh too late. You stepped in that Sog Shit. You are going to have to hose down your shoes.

by Neoxin1 March 4, 2011

shit trawler

A boat full of shitsticks

The shit trawler has come into port with a prime load of shitsticks.

by Ricky Leahy November 18, 2003

To shit on the floor

Slang verb, to procrastinate in an aggressively unproductive manner.

Person A: What have you been doing? Weren't you meant to be finishing your assignments?
Person B: Well I've been trying but I've only managed to shit on the floor for the past 3 hours.

by Tjimå February 28, 2022

Shit Plow

In football, or any other contact sport when someone gets the shit knocked out of them by an opponent. Usually occurs unexpectedly & causes coma-like symptoms.

You can receive a Shit Plow by getting a clothesline unexpectedly too.

Damn!!! Did you see Donny get shit plowed? He didn’t see it coming!

by Dawn Keebals January 14, 2020

timber shit

When a solid shit bottoms out in the toilet bowl just as it breaks free from your sphincter and falls like a tree. Oftentimes it falls forward and grazes the back of your ball sack, leaving a scuff mark.

"I had to wipe pucker pudding off my ballbag after the timber shit I just dropped."

by Tuggernauts July 25, 2020