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if he/she sends this. that shit was not funny.

john: u smell like hotdog water.
jimmy: lol…

by Joxs January 14, 2022


a word which you stick at the end of every sentence to prevent sounding too serious

how are you? lol
I'm dying lol

by sed3 January 7, 2022


LOL or lol, an acronym for laugh(ing) out loud or lots of laughs, is a popular element of Internet slang. It was first used almost exclusively on Usenet, but has since become widespread in other forms of computer-mediated communication and even face-to-face communication.

Gotta thank Steve on that one lol.

by PyroTheRat March 10, 2017


signifies laughing out loud in real life when you over the internet or texting on phone and someone made you laugh like this. lmao means laughing my ass off. roflmao mean rolling on the floor laughing my ass off. rofl rolling on the floor laughing. i felt no need to redo this every time for all of them.

lol you are so funny

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ May 28, 2022


laugh out loud

I texted Lol to my boyfriend

by sweet_hxneymoon September 2, 2020


meaning laughing out loud. also means league of legends

lets play lol

by xrayrando December 8, 2018


Lol, which stands for Laugh Out loud is slang for saying something is funny, or showing laughter. Most people wouldn’t use it in real life, but it is typically used for texting or any online interactions.

Oh my gosh! Lol, Kareem!

by BEEF45 April 10, 2019