did something interesting recently
I hear you got with a certain tommy gun
When your friend is single and deserves to be single; tail gunning is the go to where one bro can and will keep the other one single.
Im tail gunning for Smith here tonight he is far to drunk.
A trump gun is a weaponlike symbol of the North American people that stands as an inalienable right to self-defense, preparation, not planning of an incoming attack, what I believe to be an executive order as it's got his face on it, to the marines to buy a m1911 and prepare, not plan, for incoming.
A warning about covid-19 from the president not to engage but to prepare.
A discreet warning that your right to defend yourself was at threat.
Give me your trump guns-liberal
come take them-conservative-conservative
come take them-issf
everyone please just calm down-elected official
Slang term for a man's crotch.
"Janet reached into Jack's Gun Cabinet and pulled out his six shooter. Unfortunately, it only shot blanks."
When one uses the term "Army Gun" they are referencing a gun used by military forces. I.e. AK-47, M-16/AR-15 etc.
Ex. I'm talkin' bout runnin' in houses with army guns, So think about your son and daughter rooms.
An idiots misnomer for a power tool commonly known as an electric drill.
Come help me build room.
I'm retarded and can't use a drill gun.
Someone who swears so much that they sound like a machine gun
She is swearing so much, she sounds like a cussing machine gun