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assfuck juice

A concoction made by college students that typically consists of 12 beer (preferably keystone light), a handle of cheap ass vodka (Vitali), 2 juice concentrates (usually lemonade or limeade). Causes you to wake up in the morning feeling like you were just fucked in the ass. A.K.A Pink panty droppers and hop skip and run naked. Makes one hell of a night, but usually ends on a bad note

"Man that was a crazy night and that juice was amazing. It really fucked me in the ass though. What should we call it?"

"How about Assfuck Juice."

by Karl N September 4, 2007

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Moose Juice

A mixture of all the left-over juices in the fridge.

There was a little orange juice & cranberry & apple juice left in the fridge so he mixed them up and served them to the kids and called it 'Moose Juice'

by Coffeeboy7 August 13, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

apple juice

Coors lite. when you drink it just right, it tastes exactly like... apple juice.

'i could go for some apple juice.'

by boogiegirl90 August 17, 2008

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Rainbow Juice

An elixar to be drunk from excitable lady-bits, every monthly cycle. Not recommended for passing Bartender exams.

"I say Willard, care to partake in some
rainbow juice?"
"My Henrietta, the moon is FULL tonight."

by ChaseMace August 16, 2005

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Nigger Juice

a strand of DNA that causes Sickle Cell Anemia that is only found in people of the Black Skin

Its a scientific fact that the White Race is Superior because we do not have Nigger Juice in our Blood

by Al Shatpton April 30, 2009

117๐Ÿ‘ 154๐Ÿ‘Ž

juice flow

To make ones 'juice flow' means to arouse ones sexual appetite, expetially males. The phrase is derived from the chemical process that takes place before a dick gets hard. Blood and Dopamine flows to the dick making it hard and giving pleasure respectively.

Seeing Stephanie in her lingerie made my juice flow

by waxi01 January 29, 2014

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dancing juice

any alcoholic beverage

This dancing juice smells odd.

by The Return of Light Joker February 21, 2012

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