to cut the side of someone's face from their temple to their chin in a curved slash
If you don't give me the money you owe me, I'll give you a phone cut b**ch
to cut the side of someone's face from their temple to their chin in a curved slash
If you don't give me the money you owe me, I'll give you a phone cut b**ch
A phone containing many contacts which provide a good chance of getting some poon/vagina/snatch often made at late night summons. The poon phone is used to arrange clandestine sexual liaisons on an ad hoc basis (just a plain old-fashioned "let's fuck").
Can I use Bob’s cell to get some women over at this party? I hear he has a poon phone!
I have seven sluts on my contacts list; does this mean I have a poon phone?
Mistah Phone Is When A Toilet Calls Your Phone "Mistah Phone". it normally happens when ur taking a shit while scrolling through your phone, putting ur phone infront of your toilet and last of all peeing in your toilet while scrolling through your phone.
"Mistah Phone."
When you are at some family gathering and your 7 year old cousin goes up to you and asks to play on you phone, WITHOUT SAYING PLEASE.
Kid: You got any games on your phone??