being depressed because of how lonely it is after scout camp
"Oh post scout camp depression will kill me some day " "ye I'm so lonely and sad"
When you buy something expensive, only to find the price was greatly reduced soon after you bought it.
John: "How come mike hasn't come out recently? Last time I saw him he was crying, and contemplating self harm."
Dan : "Dawg he has PTSD. He bought the latest series of Dragon Ball Z last month, but the price got halved the day after he opened it."
John: "Oh I see. Post traumatic Sale disorder. That sucks man, he's probably too sour now too lend me it."
Post-Poop Butt Hurt is when, after a particularly bad poop, your butt hurts. Otherwise known as PPBH.
Person #1: Aw, man, I took such a big dump yesterday that it gave me PPBH!
Person #2: PPBH?
Person #1: Yeah, Post-Poop Butt Hurt
Person #2: Dude, PPBH is the worst!
The emotinal feeling of regret and depression right after one gets done masterbating.
I just spanked my monkey to some scat porn, now I have PMD (Post Masterbation Depression)
An affliction of the mind suffered by those who choose to take part in a threesome which fails for a variety of reasons, but most frequently due to the impotence of one of the involved parties who may or may not have caved under the pressure.
Fuck, I thought afternoon delighting it with Mack and Cliff was gonna be awesome, but now I have a wicked bad case of Post Traumatic Threesome Disorder.
When the sex is so good that a high five afterwards simply is not enough.
Him and I each came like five times, so after we caught our breath we went ahead and played post-coital patty cake.
See: Dave from Canberra/Captain Obvious/Your Royal Hotness
Dave/Captain Obvious/Your Royal Hotness is a "Post WHore"
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