To angrily end your life, (Don’t actually do it) or a saying when you are so upset and angry because of something. (Only for jokes)
I am going to rage-quit my life.
When some gymfluencer says the most insane shit about the gym/fitness that it makes you question wtf is going on
ex) iF yOu ArEnT DoInG 1o0 PuSh Ups, 3o RePs, oR 1000, cRuNcHeS a dAy, We nEeD tO hAvE a TaLk.
also see: retard
Yo, did you see that gymfluencer rage bait vid about how protein powder is the number one cause of lack of gains?
Damn, he's such a rage baiter
When you get to a point in a game, whether it be a video game, board game, etc. and you become unstoppable. There is no way around avoiding a person on Arnold Rage, you just have to suffer until the event ends.
Guy 1: "Dude, it's your turn!"
Guy 3: "...Crap. Arnold Rage."
Guy 1: *sigh...*
Sort of shite a deadbeat says when somethings been a one sided exercise in scoring virtue signalling points
This has to be hailed as a raging success, the hashtag you add when posting staged photos at a wacky warehouse when you have 2 hours free from all day spooneys sesh to spend with your kids
when one is in a fit of rage and decides to blow the back of a toilet out like a 12 gauge shotgun with a buckshot.
Caught my wife's boyfriend rage shitting in my shitter, so i killed him.
Similar to road rage but is experienced after a long duration of writing, whether that be handwritten or typed. It is most prominent past the hours of 10 pm on an assignment due at 11:59.
Innocent person: hows the writing going brotato chip
Writer: alexa play murder on my mind by YNW Melly
Innocent person: damn bro calm down with the Writing Rage