Dragon Ball Super is an ongoing Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation that began airing on July 5, 2015. It is a sequel show to the Dragon Ball manga and the Dragon Ball Z television series featuring the first new story line in 18 years. It is set after the defeat of Majin Boo when (Earth has become peaceful once again,But some lame ass nigga always comes to mess it up)
Mike: Dragon ball super is way better than Dragon Ball z Kai .
Will: What the hell are you on, no the fuck it is not.
Mike: Yes it is, the story line is on point.
Will: OK maybe it is.
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A Halloween costume that flips the script on the famous book
And what are you for Halloween?
Louise: I'm a dragon with a girl tattoo.
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when someone is receiving a blow job and mid-blow the female pukes on the males penis/ general crotch region.
he received the best rusty sea dragon out behind the dorm last night. Samantha's dinner only landed on his boner.
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Questionably the greatest movie ever created...
"So how did you think of that dragon wars movie?"
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A bunch of people who stand on the hill and sing their hearts out for the team. Definitely not represented by Jubilee Ave or Rleague.com.
Kram "Hey lets go look at photos of the Army on Jubilee Avenue"
Denis "There aren't any"
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The art of surprise punching someone from knee to thigh area whilst yelling " UNLEASH THE DRAGON"
Joey- Hey Mikey guess what
Joey- UNLEASH THE DRAGON! *punches Mikey in the thigh*
Mikey-Damn it Joey.
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any style of debauchery. Or anything that is done twice.
"Yeah, I knew I didnt have enough money to pay for two movie tickets, so I had to buy only one ticket and double-dragon my girlfriend in through the back door of the theater."
Bill:"Damn! your girl is smokin'! Does
she have a sister?"
Bob:"Yeah, she has a twin!"
Bill:"NO WAY!!" "Double-Dragon!!!"
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