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Fuck comes from Fornication Under Consent of the King. In the Middle-Ages in England you needed to ask permisson from your king to make children.

Dear Lord and saviour, my King,

Do I, a humble farmer, have ye consent to fornicate and have little babies with me lady?

Sure, why not. Who invented this ridiculous law?!

U did, me sire.

From now on U will just say Fuck, and do it, without my consent.

by KeizerKakkebroek December 30, 2020


when a person bend down always know to take your pants down and take her pants down and make it so tight she moans

let me fuck your sussy white gay ass pussy

by m4s0nn November 13, 2022


A word that can be used in any sentence even in an English assignment.

Damn it the fucking teacher gave me a fucking F on my fucking assignment because I fucking used the word fuck.

by shtesdsxdsvcnxgdsxvc April 12, 2019


Really like

I really fucks your outfit

by Tkxy May 17, 2021


The word that is said a crap-fucking-ton and is also said when your parents enter the room while your watching porn. Speaking of porn, I’m gonna go watch some now.

Fuck! I mean... Dammit?

by KawaiiLinusu October 15, 2019



Person 1: Heck
Person 2: fuck
Person 3: F U C K

by Rebelisachad July 10, 2020


- Single- handily the best word to every exist, Cicero the legend himself created this work of art
- it can be also used to start or define intercourse or sex in simpler ways

What a fuck man, did you just fuck my wife

by AWWWWWW MANNNNN, December 29, 2021