Day (everyday) when you can slap a physicist. Especially those who study at PMF, Zagreb
Filip is a physicist. Slap him on national slap a physicist day.
Kaiden Wilson day is on the 12th July, each year on this day, it is celebrated by exchanging gifts, (optional)
Today is National Kaiden Wilson Day!!
(No) Bones Day is when people rely on a pug to know whether to do chores or not
It's a No Bones Day! Looks like I can be lazy!
The pug has bones today so we can get everything done and it’s going to be a good day.
(Tiktok @jongraz)
Noodle has bones today! We can do it! Yay bones day!
Mattie day is on March 22nd, it is a day for Mattie to spend with the one he loves the most
Person: What will you do tomorrow?
Justin: Tomorrow is Mattie day, i'll be spending it with my Mattie.
On the twenty-first of June, you should eat crispy toe nails dipped in cheddar cheese until you have a stomach puncture.
Have you heared what happened to Joe?
No what?
He's got stomach puncture, he's in the hospital.
Oh my god, why?
Check urbandictionary. You'll read about the International crispy toe nails dripped in cheddar cheese eating day