When your significant other takes care of you and make it so that you don’t have to work or depend on anyone else for anything.
She doesn’t need a second job anymore, she’s put up.
A sarcastic expression used to communicate veritable nonchalance for a particular activity or thing. This phrase is generally used in conversations aimed at dismantling the positive impact or benefit of saving inconsequential sums of money.
Person 1: Bro, if we hurry and leave for the concert at 7 pm we can get $5 off the price of tickets!
Person 2: Let's take our time and arrive later. I don't wake up in the morning for $5.
An alternative term for messing up / fucking up
- alternative term for getting waste / or getting into trouble
Dude your so phucked up in the head if you think I’m agreeing with ur plan
Push ups in the snow. The purpose of doing push ups in the snow is increasing your pain tolerence.
Yo Chad, You want do some canadian push ups?
A rope is like a wick in a candle, if it’s wet it’s not going to go anywhere but down. Hence its useless to try that strategy.
Asking that person to help is like pissing up a wet rope.
To get up with “She mad I tried getting up with her back in the day but she wasn’t on shit”
“What’s up bitch I’m tryna get up with u”