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December 8

If you were born on December 8th you are one of a kind and people should respect u. (Unless u murdered hella people)

John: Yo man isn’t ur birthday December 8 ?
Cam: Yea Why?
John: Yo I’ve heard that people on that birthdate is a legend.

by Mr.FastInBed November 8, 2022

December 8

Only the hottest and most outgoing people were born on this day. Their fav music artist is Nicki Minaj who else would it be. If you have a friend who’s born on December 8, take them to a concert and see what’ll happen 👀. They are either rich or poor asf No in between lol.

Person 1: Omg dude who in the mf hell listens to anaconda on 200% volume this is a mf bus.
Person 2: Oh He’s my classmate he was born on december 8.
Person 1: Ah understandable

by Trappyy November 24, 2021

December 8

The day a legend died (Juice Wrld).

Hey what happened on December 8th in past history?

A legend died...

by Punjeet December 9, 2019

December 8

National hate crime bisexual guys named Jack day

Hey today is Decamber 8.
What is December 8

It's national hate crime bisexual guys named Jack day!

by Yourmomisgayforme December 8, 2021

December 8

Say yes to your girl friend, boy friend or best friend for the whole day

You: Oh shit its December 8
Girlfirend: Ha you have to say yes to me for the rest of the day
You: yep i do

by YourLocalMilkStore December 5, 2020

December 8

if ur're born on December 8 u have a big dick not only but u are also a Sagittarius which means you have big titties :)

oh shit she was born on December 8 she must have saggy titties

by suckmytoes99 November 23, 2021

December 8

The day you get to have a shopping spree with someone’s card

Can I get money


It’s December 8

by Idk1244 December 5, 2020