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a cute, sassy young girl.
she knows if you have been talking shit so you better not mess with a Charlie.
likes a lot of love affection. often gets anxiety issues.
is the kind of girl who is almost always cold even on a hot sunny day.
likes to steal your jumper to keep her warm.
her most obvious talent is making random fucking noises all-day-everyday.
says she's dumb but she's that kinda girl who is good at a few subjects.
often their favorite color is either yellow, red, purple or green.
any boy is lucky to have a hottt ass bitch charlie.
her real name is probably Charlize and has been called charlie since she was young so just stuck with it as a nickname but not many people know that.

Charlie: I'm so fucking dumb aghh
boyfriend: no your not, not as dumb as me ; )
Charlie: haha thanks love u x
boyfriend: love u to xoxo

by unknownomfgthersnoothernames October 2, 2019


a kind guy who seems perfect at first but will never accept your love no matter how much you confess your love to HIM. when you do they get annoyed but secretly love it and blushes

yo that Charlie looking kind of thick

by finsworkshop February 25, 2021


An awesome daddy.He will destroy you at all costs. He is a legend and a huge daddy. He is the all mightyDaddy.He is a major daddy. He also is smart, cool, and short.

Charlie is a daddy.

by ChuckNasty2 October 17, 2019


A creature that annoys, pestures, and belittels you with any chance he gets.
He's short guy, but he will act like a fighter pro (cant do nothing) and when he feels like it will talk to you, but if you talk to him he will get mad.
He... He is a boy karen.

Guy1: Hey charlie
Charlie: Your stupid
Guy1: Nobody cares about you opinon
Charlie: Fight me
Sentence:Oh god here comes CHARLIE(boy karen).

by Thunder_Bird October 9, 2019


cracked at Fortnite 😩😩😩😩

person 1: yoo have you seen charlie at fortnite?

person 2: yeah hes FUCKIGN CRACKED!

by Archieology November 6, 2023


As a real charlie I can say only half of these definitions are true, yeah I may be smart, nice, tall guy but I look like a goblin ok. Knotted hair, acne, weird shaped face

Charlie's kind of a pushover

by Arealcharlie September 30, 2019


I'm actually a charlie and about only half of these are true, yeah I'm a smart, tall, nice guy but I look like a goblin, zits, weird looking face.

Charlie's a kind of a pushover

by Arealcharlie September 30, 2019