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Hip-hop dance

Rhythmic movements usually to music, using prearranged or improvised steps and gestures, inspired from the hip-hop culture and lifestyle. "Dancing from the streetz".

Examples of hip-hop dances: harlem shake, C-walk, dust off your shoulder, A-town stomp, thunder clap, two steppin, rock away, air force one, one two step, etc.

by Chelsie Millar May 2, 2006

42๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cats Don't Dance

Cats Don't Dance is a freaking awesome movie about the people of Hollywood's treatment of animals. Danny, a life-loving talented cat travels to Hollywood to become a star, but is put in the background as animals can not have substantial parts, and can only make noises, and most importantly; cats don't dance.

The movie is largely overlooked by the mainstream, and killed Warner Bros. Films with the lack of box office sucks, but remains an underground classic for people who can swallow their pride and enjoy a movie with suave style, a great point and awesome music.

<guy> That's quite a nice DVD collection you have...but where's Cats Don't Dance??
<other guy with DVD collection> What's that?
<guy> *points at article*
<other guy> Holy ultima, that sounds awesome. I'll buy it on eBay this minute!

by Benjamin St. Skambankt May 11, 2007

27๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

African Sun Dance

When a man lights a women on fire and proceeds to have sexual relations with her. This is considered in the genre of smut pornography. The proper method for performing this sexual act is to tie the said fire victim down, but one can be adventurous and leave them untied. This, of course, would lead to a dramatic chase prior to the actual sex usually leading to the person who is on fire dying before the penetration starts.

Kyle was considered the best at performing the African Sun Dance

Brendan's favorite thing to do with a hooker is the African Sun Dance

by Kyle the Ginger January 6, 2010

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when you dance around with shampoo on your head and your all happy and shit.

Let us dance the happy-shampoo-dance!
Indeed, we shall!
(Crazy Indian music begins playing)

by Fluffy Marshmallow November 14, 2003

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Slow-dance chubby

When your penis is half hard, not too stiff and not to floppy. Perfect for smacking your girlfriend or wife in the face while she's sleeping.

"Hey bro, last night I got a slow-dance chubby and smacked Laura in the face."

"Bro that's funny as hell right on."

by Oruganaconga December 21, 2016

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Samoan Fire Dance

When someone with a male genital sticks the end of a match in their urethra, then whips his dick against the match box to strike the match to get it set on fire, and then dances around whipping his dick until the fire enters his urethra

Matt; Yo man did you see that Samoan fire dance last night?
Ethan; Yeah dude that was sick but I hope Chris' dick is alright

by EthanMac32 June 5, 2018

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A drawn out and rather involved fist fight, occurring between any two individuals but most commonly between two women, or two gay men; characterized by a great deal of simultaneous twirling, slapping, hair pulling and shit talking etc.

That redhead just called that blond a whore which pissed her off, now they are doing the clusterfuckistan-fan-dance

by CooterBlues October 5, 2016

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