Source Code

not even in my dictionary

It's not even come across in mind; not even an option; a new idea presented that was rejected due to it is being incoherent to the person's belief

A : Maybe you can quit your work and simply rely on your parent's fortune
B : Sorry, man. That's not even in my dictionary.

by nopassword April 20, 2016

urban dictionary editors

miserable mongoloids who've strayed so far from the purpose of the website with their decisions on what to reject and what to post that its rendered the website useless. if someone wants to actually post an informative urban term it will get rejected unless it contains sexual innuendos , but somehow any douchebag who wants to define their own name to let world know how "cool and amazing they are" will pretty much with 100% certainty get their shit posted. this website is overflowing with useless nonsense and its not even funny anymore. just a testament to the failure of mankind. too bad the mayans were wrong with their prediction of the end of the world because then the space-time continuum would have been rid of this web domain

urban dictionary editors contribute nothing to the zeitgeist and should commit suicide

by fuckurbandictionaryfuckurbandi December 22, 2012

Urban Dictionary Love

When one defines their significant other by their first name on Urban Dictionary. Usually causes near immediate regret, as any love you define on the internet isn't going to last long.

Urban Dictionary Love is so romantique!

Dude, Marcus defined his girlfriend on Urban Dictionary. She dumped him because the second definition for her name was 'Cum guzzling bum bobkin.'

by 6:47 AM November 14, 2005

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urban dictionary user

Someone who posts definitions on this site. There are two types of UD Users that I've noticed:
1) The user who tries very hard to post an unbiased opinion and not to take sides.
2) The user who is a complete and total douche and only posts insulting, vulgar, and downright rude definitions. These are also the users who flame like there's no tomorrow, band together to try to remove definitions that they don't agree with, and tend to have small dicks. In short, the users that are ruining this site.

Of the two users, the latter are the reason I resort to wikipedia more than here.

by Matt July 17, 2005

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Urban Dictionary Voting

A feature that was once on the Urban Dictionary website where you could vote for definitions to be either approved or not approved, but has since been removed for some reason?!

Don’t ask me why Urban Dictionary Voting was removed... I have no idea.

by nlolhere June 11, 2021

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Urban Dictionary Addict

Someone who spends hours searching for hilarious and intelligent slang words and posting it on their facebook status in a attempt to make themselves look cool and original when in fact, they just look like a try hard

Chris "Hey, did you see Yasmeen's FB status about the state of the financial situation in Kazakhstan? That was hilarious!"
Ninya "Pfft, I read that on Urban Dictionary already. She's a Urban Dictionary addict whose only friends are houseplants. I've seen her talking to them"

by LeRoux May 20, 2010

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Urban Dictionary Mug

1. (n) A liquid recepticle, custom-order printed with a definition from the online Urban Dictionary; 2. (n) An effective revenue-raising tactic for the aforementioned website, preferential to pleas for donations, or excessive site-advertising, also known as Page Whoring.

Sally: "Hi there Doug, I like your mug - what does it say?"

Doug: "It's an Urban Dictionary Mug. I was feeling rebellious, so I ordered this mug with the definition of 'Mug' on it - isn't that hilarious?"

Sally: "Lose your virginity, Doug."

Doug: "Your mum already handled it, Sally!"

by Jazzdrummer25 March 4, 2010

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