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That very tall man. Big big boy. Very sexy sexy man oooohhhh weeee give me some of that type of guy

Is that Lucas?? Dam he’s so sexy and big too, if u catch my drift ;)

by Big daddy G lk November 2, 2021


Absolute dumbass who is short, has tiny pp, and will never have sex

I hate Lucas

by dino pp April 26, 2022


Short, unibrow, sounds like a chipmunk, rude but nice at the same time, too many crushes

Lucas is an asshole right

by B___ November 11, 2021


Lucas is amazing and is the g.o.a.t at football ⚽️ he is super hot πŸ”₯ 😍 and is sexy 😍

You'll be lucky to be his gf πŸ’πŸ«‚πŸ₯΅

Omg that's the hottest lucas

by June 28, 2022


SMelly kid that doesn't have wifi and leaves mid-game for no reason. Has an ugly ass girlfriend

Lucas lol

by LoganSMells June 8, 2020


A very handsome man. Can be tough but will always care about other people. Will win an argument. Is highly intelligent. Girls will instantly fall for this man, since he is very hot and has a great sense of humour.

Person: "Hey Lucas."

by Lucaaszz November 21, 2021


Lucas is that guy whom may be described akin to the brightest, most fastest, furthest flying star in the cosmos.

Known to sweep every girl that he comes into contact with off of their feet in less than 5 minutes from meeting, Lucas is a dangerously Charismatic enigma. He will also steal all your girlfriends, but not because of him but because they will break up with you for him almost instantly. He is the most loyal caring and giving friend you will ever have the fortune of having at your side, he's a fighter but he fights with love. Turns enemies into friends.

some legends even contend that Lucas is the spirit of the Mighty Thoth.

Have you ever had a bad day and then Lucas came along?

Yeah that Lucas was like a shining sun to my rainy day

by Lady of Love June 17, 2019